Infertility Awareness Day

Infertility Awareness Day is recognized on October 15 every year. In 2018 I first share this story with my community, many of whom did not know that I too was 1in6. I was diagnosed as infertile in 2011. My community was so supportive and they gave me the encouragement and power to continue owning my story and sharing it with the world to help other women heal.
For almost 5 years, we were challenged with Trying To Conceive (TTC) until when we got confirmation from our Fertility Specialist that our diagnosis was unexplained infertility.

We were disappointed and were floored actually when we realized how difficult the journey to becoming parents was for us. We thought that getting pregnant would have been seamless. 

We did our research and explored all the options and help that were available including seeing two fertility specialist, IUI, IVF, adoption, etc. We ultimately made the decision to stop trying so hard after experiencing three heartbreaking miscarriages.

It was too difficult to handle and we were beyond stressed. Our fear was that the cycle of pregnancy loss would only continue and we needed to refocus on our young marriage and then it happened. 

We were ecstatic to find out a few months later that we were pregnant and we gave birth to our amazing daughter Faith. Infertility and pregnancy loss are not talked about as much as it should. The subject carries this stigma, shame and guilt. It is a still such a ‘taboo’ subject” and women and men continue to suffer in silence. As such I have vouched to continue sharing my story with the intent to break the silence and to help others heal. If you are here and you have or is experiencing Infertility and pregnancy loss I encourage you to continue believing in yourself, have faith, that it will happen for you, trust the process no matter how long or where the journey takes you and remember “you are not your infertility.” 

Sophia Campbell