I Didn't Know I was #1in6

I am Roxanna and I did know that I was #1in6 Until I tried for almost one year to have a baby. Around the 6 months mark, I felt something was wrong. I inquired with my doctor but was told I was too young to worry about it and I would need to wait a year. I was also having heavy menstrual cycles and severe abdominal pain but it was brushed off as nothing for a while. Close to 1 year, I continued to be in pain & asked for an ultrasound and they finally granted me one...I had multiple fibroids including a very large one they were concerned about.

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Mind, Body Connection

Your mind is the most powerful tool that you have for the creation of good in your life.
Here is a recap of the 5 Techniques I coach my clients on to Nurture Their Mind.

✔Practicing gratitude is key way to dig yourself out of the doom and gloom. Being grateful encourage you to focus on the good things in life right now, it also invites more positive energy into your life. ✔Focusing energy into really thinking, or writing down, what you are grateful for will stir up warm, fuzzy feelings and shifts your mood.

✔You must regularly visualize the outcome that you are hoping for.

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Sophia Campbell
Why I Share My Journey

I have been asked many times why I decided to share my infertility journey and the simple answer is:

Because I didn’t share it while I was going through it.  Courage and vulnerability takes work, a lot of work and I have done the work.  But the real answer is because the subject is still taboo and has so much stigma attached and people going through it – DO NOT talk about it enough.

The idea of having babies seemed so much easier than it actually is for a lot of people, it’s messy, it’s hard and doesn’t always go as planned.

I want people who go through infertility to know that their feelings are valid. I want them to know that there is support

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Sophia Campbell
Infertility Awareness Day

For almost 5 years, we were challenged with Trying To Conceive (TTC) until when we got confirmation from our Fertility Specialist that our diagnosis was unexplained infertility.

We were disappointed and were floored actually when we realized how difficult the journey to becoming parents was for us. We thought that getting pregnant would have been seamless. 

We did our research and explored all the options and help that were available including seeing two fertility specialist, IUI, IVF, adoption, etc. We ultimately made the decision to stop trying so hard after experiencing three heartbreaking miscarriages.

It was too difficult to handle and we were beyond stressed..

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Sophia Campbell