I Didn't Know I was #1in6

I am Roxanna and I didn’t know that I was #1in6 until I tried for almost one year to have a baby. Around the 6 months mark, I felt something was wrong. I inquired with my doctor but was told I was too young to worry about it and I would need to wait a year. I was also having heavy menstrual cycles and severe abdominal pain but it was brushed off as nothing for a while. Close to 1 year, I continued to be in pain & asked for an ultrasound and they finally granted me one...I had multiple fibroids including a very large one they were concerned about.

At the one year, I made an appointment with a fertility specialist and they did all the preliminary testing (daily bloodwork monitoring, hysterosalpinogram, sonohysterogram, etc). Other than needing a laparoscopic myomectomy to remove the fibroid they also couldn’t seem to find anything else wrong & diagnosed me with unexplained infertility and said they felt that my chances of ever having a baby were very slim.

The fibroid removal surgery went well and the fibroid was a lot larger than they had anticipated. They also found I had endometriosis.  They were able to scrape most of the endometriosis but also advised that, based on how they had to carry out the procedure, if I was ever to become pregnant in the future, I would not be able to deliver naturally due to the risk of hemorrhaging.  I wasn’t allowed to even go into labour.

I stopped seeing the fertility specialist and basically tried to come to terms with the thought of never being called mommy.

About 5 1/2 years later, without plan or expectation, I became naturally pregnant. I called the fertility clinic right away and they began doing daily bloodwork to monitor HCG levels. Within a week, my joy & excitement was short lived as I received daily phone calls saying the levels were dropping and I would likely lose the baby. I finally miscarried on March 4, 2015.

The emotional, mental and spiritual toll that took on me was beyond overwhelming. I took a leave of absence from work and spent most of that time fighting with God. I finally gave my life to God alone in my living and vowed that, if I ever was to become pregnant again, I would submit that child to God’s will and way trusting Him as I surrendered my life over to Him. God heard my prayers and was faithful. In July 2015, I once again became naturally pregnant.

Despite lots of nervousness, having to take progesterone for 6wks, being diagnosed with placenta previa, being on bed rest for most of my pregnancy, being told the baby may not make it because he wasn’t growing as well as they would want to see (consistently below the 5th percentile)...I trusted God to fulfill His promise. And He did. I had my rainbow baby March 18, 2016 and named him Jayden, which means “God has heard”...and I continue to honour my promise to God to live my life fully surrendered to Him 🙏🏾

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