Improve Your Thoughts

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The word positive indicates something good, affirmative, or representing a constructive quality or attribute- Wikipedia Being an author, entrepreneur, full time working mom and wife, I need a lot of energy and positive thoughts to conquer each day. I am intentional about strategizing and organizing my life around my vision board which focuses on the five (5) Core Building Blocks from my mentor/coach Karlyn Percil’s Success Planner. I use those five pillars and break them down into daily, weekly, and monthly actionable goals to help create my habits and rituals which helps me to master my mind and my thought process. I have been doing this for the past five years and now I am flowing. Here I share two sub goals under each pillar that I practice daily that you can adapt to improve your positive thoughts.

Health & Wellness: 

  • My self-care is at the top of my priority list, I pre-book and calendar my massages at the beginning of each year as soon as my benefits renew. This serves to remind me that I do not have to wait until I am in some sort of pain or experiencing stress to go. Instead it is an automatic maintenance program.

  • I exercise at least five days per week, why? Exercising gives me the energy I need to focus and get things done. It also releases the feel-good chemical known as endorphins to my brain to help set the tone and positive mood for the day. This has also forced me to be vigilant about what I put into my body, I am currently making better food choices to fuel my body so I can achieve optimal wellness.

Family and Friends: 

  • I see my immediate family (hubby and daughter) as a gift that was carefully selected and uniquely crafted for me so no matter what is going on the external. I extend love, compassion and only positive thoughts towards them. I look for the good characteristics in everyone, knowing and accepting that I am not perfect and neither are they. We know it is OK to talk about our emotions and feelings with each other so we can address them the best way and carry on with our life.

  • I surround myself with friends who I call my ‘level-up’ squad. Friends who understand my journey and are the first to offer support. They show up with the right energy where I feel confident sharing my ideas and new adventures with. These are the people who believe in my mission and are ready to help move me or my ideas to the next level of greatness. I am totally OK with removing myself from people who bring negative energy into my family and friendship pillar or in my space period. There is always room and space created for new women to show up with a purpose.

Personal (Self-care & Lifestyle):

  • My personal lifestyle practice is to take my energy with me everywhere I go, even if it is to the grocery store. I find it works to block out negative vibes/thoughts/actions and it also replicates to the people around me. I know this for a fact as I am often asked how am I able to remain so positive and upbeat all the time. Tada “Energy flows where energy goes” Try it.

  • As a Christian, I start my mornings with prayer, deep breathing and bible reading (try the Bible app- it’s so easy). I practice gratitude by giving thanks for the things in my past, present and future. At the end of each day I write down five things that I am thankful for just for that day and it is not necessarily the big things. I find that intentionally expressing gratitude for the small things multiples and it expands into the bigger things. I believe that I have been assigned the gift of manifestation and so I use it to powerfully and positively to influence my thoughts. and attract the right things into my life.

Financial Abundance:

  • Financial abundance is a new area that I have fully embraced. It is totally OK to have an abundant mindset in all areas of my life including money. I think about my finances in a positive way and often dream of who I would BE, what I would DO and the things I would HAVE if finances were not an issue, then I create positive thoughts and actions around it. I believe in my financial abundance like I already have it and it is a done deal. I am leveling up on my tithing commitment this year.

  • I regularly do a financial audit to see where my money is flowing and make changes if it is needed why? Because there was a time when I feared walking into a bank to find out the status of my accounting, but not anymore. Now I want to know ahead if there is any pending financial crisis so I can plan for it. A big part of my love relationship with financial abundance is that I practice contentment and express gratitude for what I already have. This creates room for more abundance. My Facebook friend Tasha Chen often says, to repeat this “Money loves Me, ” “I deserve to have Financial Abundance” I repeat that to myself every day now.

Professional (Career/Business):

  • My career and business is a big area for me because outside of my family time, this is where I spend most of my time trying to make a positive difference in the lives of people, whether at my 9 to 5 or on my entrepreneurship journey. I must make it worth it. To motivate and inspire myself, my coworkers and clients, I show up inspired and ready. Part of my routine and inspiration comes from reading motivational books from persons who forces me to live life on purpose. Books includes The Holy Bible, ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ by Rick Warren, ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama, ‘Strength’s Finder’ by Tom Rath, ‘Winning by Jack Welch’, High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard and most recently The One thing by Gary Keller. I not only read them but literally put into practice some of the nuggets they teach to create actionable habits. I listen to a lot of podcasts and inspirational speakers like Oprah Winfrey, Les Brown, Michelle Obama again, TD. Jakes, Sarah Jakes Robert, The Real Talk Kim, Joel Osteen –it is a very long list.

  • I invest aggressively in successful coaches, workshops and masterclasses. I have mentors who have walked similar paths to mine and they genuinely help in guiding me so I do not feel lost or overwhelmed but instead stimulate and stir up the gifts inside me.I seek out networking events where I can learn from the experts and form meaning relationship. I am militant about up-leveling my skills and so ask me anything and I will find a way to give you the answer even if its from team google or you-tube. I believe just the same way everything is teachable, everything is also learn-able. That excites me every day.

I would not say that I haven’t had moments when I feel negativity creeping in but because I have done the deep work in mastering my mindset. I can identify when those negative feelings including the gremlins are trying to take over and immediately swerve them.

This article was first published in the Nelson Daily News Report on February 17, 2019 at

Sophia Campbell